Want to have a go at Pony Racing?

Want to have a go at Pony Racing?

Want to experience the thrill of Point-to-Point Pony Racing, but put off by not having the stereotypical Racing – type Pony?

A number of fixtures at Point-to-Points throughout the country have races framed for the ‘Hairy type’ – Genuine Hunting / Pony Club – type Ponies.

Most areas run tuition rallies, giving instruction on the gallops, mechanical horse, space hopper races for balance, how to ride in a race, and advice on fitness levels for both Jockey and Pony.  The rallies or ‘Junior Jockey School’ are great fun, and enjoyed by all! We will help you with every step and be on hand to offer advice and answer questions in the run up to the race.

You do not need to have expensive equipment. A Hunting / General Purpose type of saddle will do, complete with Safety Stirrups, Half Chaps and Jodhpur Boots are perfectly acceptable. You will however need a Breast Plate and an Over girth.

In order to take part in a Race, you will need to have attended 4 Pony Club Rallies, one of which must have been jumping, or been out hunting a number of times. The Jockey will need to be registered with the Pony Racing Authority, this is for insurance, and the Pony will need to be registered too.  Follow the Links from the Who’s Who section and Click Pony Racing for membership.  Both the Jockey and Pony Registration will need to have been received by noon on the Friday, the week before you want to race.

Race schedules can be found in the Pony Racing Planner obtainable from the Pony Racing Authority.

Most of all come and enjoy Pony Racing and have fun!

For more information on Rallies / Junior Jockey School for the Midlands Area or any other Area please email: secretary@midlandspointing.com

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